Friday, January 20, 2012

National Unconscious Week

It must be a holiday for unconscious people this week as it seems like that's we have done. And not good good ones either. Good meaning they actually had a serious medical emergency versus being passed out drunk. We did get to force entry into an apartment for the police which was a little better than all the medical runs we have been making. We were dispatched to assist the police to force entry which usually means they think someone is deceased and they need to get inside. When we get there, the cops tell us that a guy has locked himself in the apartment and said that he was going to kill himself. Apparently a woman lives there and has been letting this guy stay with her (someone she met on Facebook) and now wants him out. She said he was obsessed with her, wanting a relationship which she did not want and because of that he was going to kill himself. Since it was her apartment, the cops had no problem removing him so we and tried opening the door with our usual axe and halligan combination but it wouldn't budge at all. My crew can normally open a door in a few seconds so I knew that it wasn't them and something extra had to be on the other side. It was the perfect opportunity to use our battering ram that my EO mentioned earlier that day that we never get to use. As far as I know, we are the only pumper that carries one. When we get back up with the ram, the cops start getting ready and pull out their guns right next to us. Everyone kind of stopped for a second as we realized what we were getting in the middle of so I asked "hey, does that guy in there have a gun?" The cops said they didn't know but were being "safe". Well this is great, what the fuck were we supposed to do? I want to be safe too dammit. So all of us except for the guy holding the ram moved around the corner in case bullets started flying. Poor ram guy had to take one for the team. Well the ram did work after 2 or 3 strikes and the cops went in and drug the guy outside, without any shooting. Now for the good part. My next day on duty, we came back to this apartment because the woman who lived there was now unconscious on her bedroom floor. Her mother was there and didn't know what was going on but it looked like an overdose. The guy from the last incident was repeatedly calling the mother while we were there too. These people have too many problems for me.

We had a couple homeless guys sleeping in a ditch by a gas station that was called in as two males unconscious. I guess people driving by saw them and were concerned so they called 911 but apparently not concerned enough to actually go up to them. That same week we had another homeless guy at the same gas station found unconscious by one of the gas pumps. He had something wrong with him but I don't remember what it was.

Last but not least, we were at a medical call one morning for something minor when we found a guy passed out in his truck next door. It was pretty funny because we just happened to glance over and see him laying there. Turns out that he partied too much the night before and never made it inside. At least he wasn't on a busy street somewhere like most of the ones we make.

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